Fine Art: paintings & poetry

Spencer Schwab

My name is Spencer Schwab. I have always enjoyed creating and engaging in the creative process. I discovered painting & art when I was in High School. However, Life happened and I left that passion in the past. Choosing to focus on my family and my career in technology. I felt that I could use my talents to learn and troubleshoot problems on the back-end computer systems of businesses that society relies on as my way to contribute back. I have worked for companies such as FedEx, GoToMeeting/Citrix, and Microsoft. I got so involved in work that I had unnaturally prioritized everything else over myself. I had been working through past traumas for years and in 2019 began to paint on canvases. Little did I know at the time how healing it would be.
Early December 2020 I decided to begin to change and bought an unlimited pass to practice yoga at Maya Whole health. I wanted to start early on a New Year’s resolution investing in me. It was hard, but amazing. Four months later I suffered an injury from a medical procedure. However, I continued to make it to my mat and practice yoga even if I just laid there. Through the process of healing, I learned a lot about myself. I learned that I am more than my job. That I am here on this planet for a reason. To free myself from the bondage of societal norms and through my learnings and introspections to help free others.
Please enjoy the paintings that are displayed. Painting and writing are a few of the creative processes that I have come to realize are a way for me to express myself, heal, share my energy, and to help others do the same.
“The light in me shines from the canvas and sees the light in you. May the brushstrokes of my heart shine healing energy”. Namaste!

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Reach out with any questions and inquries
Also, I do commissioned work